Urine test At Home

Urine test at home - HCS home collection services-Hyderabad

Get Urine Test at Home easily

A urine test is a medical test that detects the presence of certain substances or properties in the urine.

You can get a urine test at home with our diagnostic center.

We provide urine tests for pregnancy, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and urinary tract infections.

We also offer drug testing kits to detect drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc.

Way to collect

A mid-stream urine sample is collected without collecting the first or last portion of urine. This decreases the likelihood that the sample will be contaminated with bacteria


Urine tests have several parameters to interpret; depending on the parameter, the cost varies. Standard tests are CUE or Urine M & A, Urine culture, and sensitivity


If you cannot submit your urine sample within one hour, place it in a sealed plastic bag and refrigerate it at approximately 4C. Do not keep it for longer than 24 hours.


These are performed to:

  1. Urinary tract infection or certain sexually transmitted infection.
  2. To determines if you are passing protein in your urine.

How to Collect a Urine Sample

Follow any additional instructions your doctor may give you apart from what is mentioned here

Unless otherwise directed by your doctor or practise nurse, you may collect a urine sample at any time of day.

You may be asked to provide a random urine specimen, a first-morning urine specimen, or a timed urine collection.

To obtain a urine sample, you must do the following:

Label a sterile screw-on lid container with your name, date of birth, and the date.

Wash your hands, start urinating, and collect a urine sample “mid-stream” in the container.

Close the lid and wash your hands once more.


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